Cambridge Finance Partners is a boutique economics and finance consulting firm that works exclusively on large, complex litigations and regulatory matters. As consulting experts we assist clients and outside testifying experts with all phases of litigation. We have worked with outside experts at Harvard, Stanford, Yale, and other major universities. In select cases, our partners serve as testifying experts. In the past we have been retained to testify on commercial damages, valuation, loss causation, and economic substance.
Since our inception in 2001, we have worked with many of the country’s top law firms as well as the U.S. Department of Justice and IRS. Prior engagements include litigation related to Enron, the California energy crisis, and Long-Term Capital. We currently are assisting clients in litigation stemming from the global financial crisis.
A distinctive feature of Cambridge Finance Partners is small case teams that benefit from high partner involvement. We combine the knowledge of our clients with our extensive analytical training and experience to produce sound, thorough analyses, compelling conclusions, and simple, clear presentations.
—Joseph Stiglitz, 2001 Nobel Prize Winner in Economics